The gluteal complex consists of the gluteus maximus, minimus, and medius. You absolutely must train your glutes from all angles and force vectors for complete development. This list includes vertical-based moves like squats and hip-hinges, horizontal-based moves like hip-thrusts, lateral moves like hip walks and skater jumps, and rotational moves like hip abductions. Some of these money moves combine multiple force vectors to give you the biggest bang-for-your-buck by leveraging both big resistance bands and mini-bands.

1. Band-Resisted Hip-Thrusts
2. Mini-Band Goblet Squats
3. Mini-Band Hip Walks
4. 1-Arm Contralateral Long-Stance Bulgarian Split Squats
5. Mini-Band Skater Jumps
6. Eccentric-Accentuated Stepups
7. Elevated Reverse Lunges
8. Band-Resisted Dumbbell Hip-Hinges
9. Shoulders and Foot-Elevated 1-Leg Hip Thrusts
10. Mini-Band Hip Abductions

Please note that ROUNDED-BACK BACK EXTENSIONS would have made the list but I don't currently have access to a back extension machine (google it for more info). And like with all muscle groups, use a mix of heavier and lighter loads and all rep ranges for max gainz. Add any combination of these moves to your next workout or leg day, or create your own weekly Glutes Day to plump dat peach in a hurrah!


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