My 16 Favorite Pullups!

A post shared by BJ Gaddour (@bjgaddour) on


🌋Build a beautiful back with these 16 pullup variations! The first 3 variations almost anybody can do. But they get harder as the list expands so there's something for everyone, baby!

1. Australian 🇦🇺 Pullups (Inverted Row)
2. Self-Assisted
3. Band-Assited
4. Chinups (Underhand-Grip)
5. Hammer-Grip Pullups (Neutral)
6. Pullups (Overhand-Grop
7. Hollow-Body Pullups
8. Close-Grip
9. Wide-Grip
10. Band-Resisted
11. Weighted
12. Mixed-Grip
13. Towel-Grip
14. Self-Assisted 1-Arm Pullups
15. Spider Pullups
16. Side-To-Side

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